XADO Official Georgian Representative
That fungus and mold is the source of diseases of the upper respiratory tract - asthma, tuberculosis, as well as allergies, in some cases of human diseases of internal organs. Especially dangerous mold spores for children and babies.
Unique disinfectant having prolonged effect. The drug penetrates deeply and quickly kills the spores of mold and mildew in humid areas.
Bactericide solution containing surfactant, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide.
The tool has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
The drug removes and cleans the infected foci of infection in areas with high humidity, ie bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, especially in saunas, baths, basins.
tiles, silicone joints, plaster walls and drywall, plastics, wood products, marble, walls of problem areas before applying wallpaper.
The affected area of mold is not recommended to clean the surface with a spatula or scraper. The spores of fungi will "scatter", hit the new surface and the respiratory system.
Dot or locally sprayed from a distance of 10 cm on the contaminated surface, if necessary further means to distribute over the surface with a sponge or brush.
After 10-30 minutes rinse with water or wipe with a sponge and plenty of water with tile, plastic or wood surface.
In the case of centers of mold on the wallpaper, it is recommended to remove and treat the surface of the wallpaper means.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin (hand protection and respiratory tract).
After completion of the work it is recommended to ventilate the room.
In the case of repeat needs.
24 months
Keep closed containers at a temperature of -15 ° C to +35 ° C, separately from the drugs out of reach of children.
Trigger 250 ml., Article XD 10127.
Trigger 500 ml., Article XD 10131.
Plastic canister 1 l., Article XD 10134.