Official Georgian Xado Representative
This preparation is to prevent leaks in the engine cooling system.
last generation means for eliminating leaks in the cooling system. Completely eliminates leaks, permanently and reliably seals the cracks and small (up to 0.9 mm) of damage in pipes, joints.
Eliminates loose fit of the gland pumps, gaskets, etc. cylinder.
Packaging (250 ml.) Was calculated on the cooling system volume to 12 liters.
Cans of 250 ml., Article XB 50010.
Stage 1: The package Shake!
Stage 2: Warm up the engine to operating temperature, the engine should be warm but not hot
Stage 3: Pour Verylube Stop Leak into a radiator tank with the engine off
Step 4: Start the engine and let it run at idle for 5-10 minutes. while the heating of the passenger compartment
On the hot engine cooling system antifreeze is under pressure. Be careful when opening the radiator cap, from under it can break out the hot steam or liquid
to prevent possible leaks in the cooling system can be used immediately after the replacement of antifreeze.
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