Official Georgian Xado Representative
Made from the best oils base of hydrocracking synthesis and exclusive package of additives.
This is the best semi-synthetic oil, which by its characteristics significantly exceed the operational requirements of car manufacturers.
Power, flexibility and reliability of the engine will be always kept in top condition due to the patented formula Nanocomponents REVITALIZANT®, part of the XADO Atomic Oil.
Application revitalizants considered as a prospective direction in the area of energy and resources and is confirmed by certification tests in 35 countries of the world.
Oil viscosity XADO Atomic Oil 10W-40 SL / CI-4 provides an easy start at very low temperatures and high protection from overheating and wear under normal operating conditions and intense.
Base oil XADO Atomic Oil 10W-40 SL / CI-4 manufactured from high quality hydrocarbon oil from the North Sea shelf using hydrocracking synthesis technology (NN).
SAE 10W-40 | API SL / CI-4 Plus / CI-4 / CH-4 / CG-4 / CF-4 / CF |
ACEA A3 / B4 / E7 | Global DHD-1 |
Mack EO-M Plus | MAN 3275 |
MB 228.3, 229.1 | Renault (RVI) RLD |
Volvo VDS-2, VDS-3 | VW 500 00/505 00 |
allison C4 | Cummins CES 20071/72/76/77/78 |
MTU Type 2 | ZF TE-ML 02C / 03A / 04B / 04C / 07S |
XADO Atomic Oil 10W-40 SL / CI-4 exceeds the requirements of the highest specifications for motor oils for European and American cars and trucks.
Density at 20 ° C, kg / l | .8705 |
Viscosity at 100 ° C, mm2 / s | 14.0 |
Viscosity at 40 ° C, mm2 / s | 94.9 |
Viscosity at -20 ° C, mPa s | <6390 |
viscosity index | 155 |
Flash Point, ° C | 211 |
Pour Point, ° C | <-36 |
Sulfated Ash, wt.% | 1.37 |
Base number, mgKOH / g | 10.3 |
გამოიყენება ყველა ტიპის ბენზინისა და დიზელის ძრავებში მათ შრის ტურბოგამაძლიერებლიან მრავალსარქველიან ძრავებშიც.
აკმაყოფილებს და აჭარბებს როგორც ამერიკულ (API SL/CF) ასევე ევროპულ (ACEA A3/B3/B4) სტანდარტებს და OEM (Mercedes Benz, VolksWagen, BMW, Porsche)-ის სპეციფიკაციებს.
შეიცავს ატიმურ რევიტალიზანტს.
SAE 10W-40 | API SL/CF |
ACEA A3/B4(10) |
BMW სპეციალური ზეთი | MB-მტკიცებულება 229.1 |
VW 500 00/505 00 |
*typical properties are presented
შესაძლოა გაინტერესებდეთ