XADO Atomic Oil 10W-30 SL/CF

XADO Atomic Oil 10W-30 SL/CF
  • XADO Atomic Oil 10W-30 SL/CF
18,40 ₾
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  100% Original

Official Georgian Xado Representative

XADO Atomic Oil 10W-30 SL/CF is High-quality easy-flowing mineral motor oil. Contains Atomic Revitalizant.

XADO Atomic Oil 10W-30 SL/CF is the best for today mineral motor oil. This oil is formulated on the base of the refined oils and hydrocracking synthesis oils (HC) from the oil from the shelf oilfield of the North Sea. Alloyed with a special additive package.

Specifications and technologies

meets the requirements of specifications:
ACEA A3/B4  
meets the requirements of the OEM:
VW 500.00/505.00 MB 229.1


It exceeds the requirements of the highest American (API SL/CF) and European (ACEA A3/B3/B4) standards and specifications of the leading auto manufacturers (MB, VW).

Acceleration, economy and reliability - will be always kept on top level due to the patented formula of atomic revitalizant included into XADO Atomic Oil. Application of revitalizants is considered as a prospective direction in the area of energy and resource-savings and is confirmed by certification tests in 35 countries of the world.


  • Applied for gasoline, gas and diesel engines of passenger cars, minibuses and small trucks under any operating conditions
  • Specially designed to be used in modern multi-valve engines with turbosupercharger under maximum power regimes
  • Especially suitable for intensive city operating regime (frequent stops, acceleration and deceleration, idle run)
  • Due to high fluidity (SAE 30) at working temperatures it lubricates perfectly and washes engine parts and therefore is recommended for processing of new cars and cars under warranty
  • Ensures extra fuel economy up to 3% in comparison with the etalon oil.
  • The complex base and special antifoaming components ensure high stability of oil film under loaded operating regimes and high temperatures.
  • Keeps engine clean.

Formulated on the base of the refined oils and hydrocracking synthesis oils (HC) from the oil from the shelf oilfield of the North Sea.

Viscosity properties XADO ATOMIC OIL 10W-30 SL/CF provide a wide temperature range of application and high energy-efficient characteristics.

Exceeds the requirements of the highest American (API SL/CF) and European (ACEA A3/B3/B4) specifications.

Technical info

  • Specific Gravity at 70 F, kg/l - 0,873
  • Viscosity at 112 F, mm2/s - 11,6
  • Viscosity at 104 F, mm2/s - 75,8
  • Viscosity at -13 F, mPa s - <7000
  • Viscosity index - 146
  • Flash point, F, - 425
  • Pour point, F, - <-29
  • Sulphated ash, wt.- 1,0
  • Base number, mgKOH/g - 7,9

- See more at: http://xado.us/oils/automotive/mineral/xado-atomicoil-10w30-sl-cf#sthash.Z9qWolqi.dpuf

XA 24111

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